Ankle Platform

Ankle Platform is for Orthopedic Surgeons with special interest in Ankle and Hindfoot. It contains free information. Members receive the "Picture of the week", new operative techniques and can submit their problem cases for an expert opinion.

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Foot & Ankle Courses

The objective of the Ankle Platform Courses is to teach modern treatment concepts on ankle and hindfoot, including surgical solutions.

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Surgical Techniques

This operative manual contains arthroscopic and open procedures of the ankle and hindfoot. The procedures are divided in four categories. Detailed information guides orthopedic surgeons through each procedure by means of videos. For a quick reference there is a picture & text option for each procedure. The effectiveness of the techniques is supported by trials and publications.

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Recent Cases


Asymptomatic Talar OCD and Instability


40-year-old women, teacher, badminton player.

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Posterior tibial OCD in adolescent


16 years old very active young boy. Main sport surfing.

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Submit your Case

Physicians can upload a problem case for expert advice.
Only anonymized cases are excepted.
For patients: seek advice from your doctor or visit the patient section.

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Picture of the Week

Members of Ankle Platform receive regularly a new Picture of the Week with an interesting case, operative technique or a technical tip or trick. They contain useful information for daily practice.

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