
Through the years members of Ankle Platform have asked for treatment advise. The experts opinion can be of interest for other physicians who meet similar problems. Submissions are anonymized and transformed to cases which you can find in this section. Physicians can upload their anonymized problem case for expert advice.

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Talar cyst

Woman 55 years old.
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Charcot joint

50 Years old woman diabetic with since 10 years, pain and swelling of ankle.
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Tibiofibular synostosis after Weber-C fracture

A 32 year old male.
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Syndesmotic Instability after ankle fracture?

A 40-year-old man. Gustillo II open fracture luxation bi-maleolar weber C.
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Post-operative dislocation of ankle arthroplasty

Three hours post-operative at the x-ray examination, the implant was dislocated.
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Syndesmosis injury

A 17 year old patient
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Tuberculosis of the right ankle joint

A 24-year-old man.
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A 16-year-old healthy female.
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Early right ankle osteoarthritis

A 35 year old patient. He is otherwise healthy.
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Patient with calcaneal metastasis

This patient referred to our department for pain at the hindfoot from six months, during walking
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Nonunion calcaneal fracture and subtalar osteoarthritis right ankle

57-year-old patient with history of comminuted calcaneal fracture.
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Hallux rigidus

34-year-old healthy very active female.
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Diffuse bone oedema in both ankle and foot

13-year-old girl, basketball player and normal physique.
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Syndesmotic injury with painful ankle

A 32 years old active female.
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Medial malleolar bone lesion

33 years old male.
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Lateral talar fracture

25 year old man, with knee dislocation and lateral talar fracture with loose body.
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Ankle and Knee Osteoarthritis

52 year old male patient in good health, office worker. Stopped running since years
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Talar cystic lesion

Female, 17 years old, sedentary profession.
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Old syndesmosis injury

A 30 years old active female.
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Medial and lateral pain with laxity

44 years old. 8 months post twisting injury, likely supination.
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Maisonneuve fracture treated with tightrope: good or bad?

A 26 years old male with no risk factors for nonunion.
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Freiberg's Disease/ Infarction

18 years old female student
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Intra-articular osteoid osteoma of talus

12 years old girl.
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Malunion of a Maisonneuve PER ankle fracture

42 years old patient sustained inversion type injury.
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Recurrence of giant cell tumor of the ankle

A patient referred to my for ankle pain
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Osteonecrosis of the right talus

42 year old male, hard worker.
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