Ankle platform

Ankle Platform is for Orthopedic Surgeons with special interest in Ankle and Hindfoot. The aim is to share knowledge and techniques of the Amsterdam Foot & Ankle School and to improve skills on ankle and hindfoot pathology. The techniques are developed by Dutch Orthopedic surgeon Niek van Dijk and his team in the AMC Hospital in Amsterdam. Today Ankleplatform has members from 115 countries worldwide. 

Ankle platform offers a section on surgical techniques with detailed information on arthroscopic and open procedures for ankle and hindfoot. The operative manual guides orthopedic surgeons through each procedure by means of videos. For a quick reference there is a picture & text option. A collection of "Pictures of the Week" provides tips and tricks and solutions for everyday problems. The case library is a collection of cases, from everyday practice. Through the years orthopedic surgeons have asked us for professional advice on their challenging cases. Some of these cases are of general interest for others who are possibly confronted with similar cases. These cases were anonymized and can be found in our case library. Any orthopedic surgeon can submit his or her problem case for an expert opinion.

Amsterdam Foot and Ankle Platform is an initiative of the Foot and Ankle Research Foundation Amsterdam (FARFA). Other activities of FARFA include the organisation of the Amsterdam Foot & Ankle Courses on Tour. The objective of FARFA is to build a group of connected surgeons dedicated to ankle and hindfoot surgery.

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