Posterior Ankle Pathology

Through the years members of Ankle Platform have asked for treatment advise. The experts opinion can be of interest for other physicians who meet similar problems. Submissions are anonymized and transformed to cases which you can find in this section. Physicians can upload their anonymized problem case for expert advice.

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Posterior Ankle Pathology

Posterior pain after posterior malleolar fracture

Female, 62 years old.
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Low riding muscle belly of the peroneal en FHL tendon

24 year old recreational soccer player.
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Os trigonum in adolescent

13 year old girl. High level competitive gymnastics
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Sensory disturbances after posterior ankle arthroscopy

Male 32 years old, with posterior ankle pain since one year. Diagnosis: Os trigonum
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Osteochondral fracture?

45 year old male. ankle inversion injury 3 days ago
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