Sensory disturbances after posterior ankle arthroscopy

Posterior Ankle Pathology

Description of patient (type of occupation, indication of age, intensity of sport):

Male 32 years old, with posterior ankle pain since one year. Diagnosis: Os trigonum

History and previous treatment:

No relevant

Current complaints:

After a formal posterior ankle arthroscopy, we removed the os trigonum without any problem.
Ten days after surgery the patient main complaint is hypoesthesia in the plantar and lateral aspects of the calcaneum.

Physical examination:

Hypoesthesia in the plantar and lateral aspects of the calcaneum.
No other alterations.

Case summary:

Male 32 years old, with posterior ankle pain since one year. Diagnosis: Os trigonum.
After a formal posterior ankle arthroscopy, we removed the os trigonum without any problem.
Ten days after surgery the patient main complaint is hypoesthesia in the plantar and lateral aspects of the calcaneum.

Question(s) to this case:

Neuropraxia of the calcaneus branch of the PT nerve??
What is your opinion and the best way to treat it??


Hypoaesthesia on the plantar/lateral calcaneal area is seen in 1% of posterior ankle arthroscopy cases. It is more often related to endoscopic calcaneoplasty then posterior ankle arthroscopy. The 3 patients that I have seen with this hypoaesthesia did not have complaints on the long term. It hardly is noticed by these patients. No specific treatment is needed.
