Anatomical pictures

With the introduction of arthroscopy we learned “to avoid” the anatomy. Detailed knowledge of anatomy is mandatory for any surgical procedure.

Foot and ankle surgeons who do not have access to anatomy specimens will find it useful to study the detailed pictures in this chapter. These pictures can serve as a guide for approaches to these structures, how to identify them, how to avoid trouble an d how to understand their functional significance. Pau Golano the late great anatomist is known worldwide for his outstanding anatomical illustrations. Pau was not only a skilled anatomist but also an artist giving his anatomical illustrations an extra dimension.

An explanation of the numbers in the pictures can be found in the book Ankle Arthroscopy by C. Niek van Dijk. All pictures are published with kind permission of © Pau Golanó 2013.


Anatomical relations of the anterolateral portal (AL).  ...

Anatomical Picture

Photomacrography of the peroneal tendons and their vincula(6) at the level of retromalleolar area. Vascularisation of PL(top) and PB(2)  ...

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Posterior view of the anatomical dissection of the triceps surae muscle and its components.    ...

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Posterior view of osteoarticular dissection of the ankle. ...

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Lateral view of the longitudinal partial tear in the peroneus brevis tendon.     ...

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Anterior view of the osteoarticular dissection of the foot and ankle. The foot is in plantar flexion-inversion. Capsular insertion limits of the talo­crural joint have been indicated with black arrow...

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Anterior view of the anterior tibiofibular ligament. The distal fascicle of the anterior tibiofibular ligament comes into contact with the dorsolateral border of the talus during the ankle movements. ...

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Macrophotography of the anterior talofibular ligament multifascicular morphology. ...

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Medial view of the tibiofibular joint (os talus previously removed). ...

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Anterior view of the syndesmotic ligaments. ...

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Medial view of the anatomical dissection of the main components of the medial collateral ligament in plantar flection. ...

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Medial view of the anatomical dissection of the main components of the medial collateral ligament in dorsiflection.  ...

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Impingement of intermalleolar ligament in forced plantar flexion. ...

Anatomical Picture

Anatomical Picture by Pau Golano. From the book: Ankle Arthroscopy (2014) C.Niek van Dijk, Springer ISBN 978-3-642-35988-0 ...

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Posterior view of the ankle ligaments showing the posterior intermalleolar liga­ment (5) and PTFL (4). The capsule was removed.  ...

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Posterior view of the anatomical dissection of ankle joint capsule and ankle ligaments. ...

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Lateral view of the ankle ligaments showing the relationship of the calcaneofibular ligament with the lateral talocalcaneal ligament. ...

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Lateral view of the ankle ligaments.  ...

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Superior lateral view of the osteoarticular anatomical dissection showing the anteromedial direction of the ATFL. ...

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Lateral view of the foot and ankle ligaments. In this case the joint presented an important osteoarthritis. ...

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Anatomical dissection showing the deep crural fascia with a transverse course and a consistent appearance (black arrows). ...

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Photocomposition showing the location of the posterolateral and posteromedial portals. The arthroscope and the arthroscopy motor were added digitally. ...

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Anatomical dissection of the cutaneous nerves at the dorsum of the foot. ...

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Anatomical relations of the anterolateral portal (AL).  ...

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Transversal section at the level of the ankle joint showing the anatomical relations of the anterior portals. The AM an AL portals were performed before the section.  ...

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The superficial peroneal nerve (arrows) can be made visible in 50–70 % of the patients by bringing the foot in forced plantar flexion and inversion. ...

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Cutaneous landmarks. AL anterolateral portal, AM anteromedial portal, PL posterolateral portal, PM posteromedial portal. ...

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Anterolateral view of osteoarticular dissection of the foot and ankle. The synovial cavity of the ankle joint was filled with black latex. ...

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CT reconstruction of ankle & arterial system. In plantar flexion the anterior neuro­vascular bundle is pulled tight towards the joint, thus decreasing the safe anterior working area.   ...

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CT reconstruction of ankle & arterial system. In ankle dorsiflexion the anterior neurovascular bundle moves away from the ankle joint, thus increasing the (safe) anterior working area. ...

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The capsule of the ankle joint was maintained in order to observe changes in tension during ankle movements and their insertion sites (arrowheads)  ...

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The bones and articular surfaces forming the talocrural or ankle joint. The articular surfaces were painted digitally ...

Anatomical picture

Anterior view of the ankle joint showing the typically hinge-type synovial joint morphology of the ankle joint. ...
