Second look: 4 years after implantation of a HemiCap


In this 41 years old patient a HemiCap was implanted for a secondary posteromedial talar OCD. The deep ankle pain completely resolved but the malleolar screws were removed. During the screw removal a second look arthroscopy was performed. There is no cartilage covering the hemicap. There is no sign of cartilage damage on the opposite site (the tibial plafond). This confirmed that the hemicap is exactly placed on the right level. Fibrocartilage covering of the hemicap is a constant finding during second look arthroscopies.

Picture 1 & 2: Endoscopic view showing the HemiCap just below the surface of surrounding cartilage.

Picture 3: Radiograph showing a well-integrated Hemicap, with no joint space narrowing.

CLICK HERE for the technique of Hemicap implantation.
